Headline Heads Up — No. 13

One Tuesday every month, I’m going to round up a cou­ple (maybe a few) awe­some dis­play type­faces to show­case and give a lit­tle break­down on each one. If you have a sug­ges­tion you want me to take a look at, drop me a line. Let’s jump straight into some head­line goodness.

Birra Stout

Foundry : Darden Studio
Designer(s) : Darden Studio
Cost: FREE

Birra Stout Typeface by Darden Studio - Alphabet Example

This fat face, slab serif has some seri­ous junk in the trunk, and I mean that in the nicest way pos­si­ble. There is ton of quirk and per­son­al­i­ty that give the char­ac­ters life — the ‘E’ has two dif­fer­ent ser­ifs, the lit­tle crooks to the ‘R’ and ‘S’. My favorite char­ac­ter is the numer­al five with its bal­anc­ing act stem and inter­est­ing neg­a­tive spaces. Overall, it is a solid heavy­weight that is both bold and whim­si­cal, almost cir­cus and car­ni­val like.

Birra Stout Typeface by Darden Studio - Candy, Peaches, Hot Dogs - Bold, Slab Serif Typography


Metropolis 1920

Foundry : Josip Kelava
Designer(s) : Josip Kelava
Cost: FREE

Metropolis1920 Typeface by Josip Kelava - Alphabet Example

Looking for an inter­est­ing take on Art Deco? Then have a look at Metropolis 1920. The rea­son I like this font — besides the fact that it looks awe­some — is the glimpse of the cre­ative process pro­vid­ed on the project page. Using a sim­ple two-line tech­nique and sim­ple stick fig­ure let­ters, basic shapes were cre­at­ed and refined. Because of their straight edges and rigid con­struc­tion, these let­ters feel very solid and bold but remain inter­est­ing because of their intricacies.

Metropolis 1920 Typeface by Josip Kelava - Classic Jazz, Art Deco Type, 1920s Typography



Foundry : Lost Type Co-op
Designer(s) : Jason Mark Jones
Cost: Name your price

Sullivan Typeface by Jason Mark Jones - Alphabet Example

Last on this mon­th’s list is Sullivan by Jason Mark Jones. This indus­tri­al feel­ing type­face comes in three vari­ants — hatched, beveled, and com­plete fill. Used togeth­er you can layer mul­ti­ple col­ors to cre­ate even more vari­ety. The mod­u­lar, struc­tured nature of the let­ters can give them a solid pres­ence in a design. Depending on the color com­bi­na­tion, you can rein­force the indus­tri­al, hard edged feel­ing or soft­en Sullivan for a more mod­ern flavor.

Sullivan Typeface by Jason Mark Jones - Example Bunnies and Chocolate in Pink and Green Offset Typography

Sullivan Typeface by Jason Mark Jones - Example Concrete Hammer and Sickle Layered Industrial Type

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