Pokémon Color Palettes

September 11, 2014 at 11:45 am

Reddit user need12648430 wrote a script to break­down the col­ors used in mak­ing the col­or­ful pock­et mon­sters called Pokémon. Most of the color palettes are great inspi­ra­tion as they show color the­o­ry con­cepts like com­ple­men­tary and anal­o­gous schemes. It’s also great to see how much vari­a­tion and and com­plex­i­ty goes into some­thing as sim­ple as 8‑bit characters.

Pokemon Color Palettes by Reddit user need12648430, 8bit, sprites, color theory, pie charts

And yes, I know I’m show­ing off some of my geek­ness with this post. What would be even more geeky is if I were to dis­close that I have a col­lec­tion of Pokémon trad­ing cards that I gath­ered in my teenage years safe­ly tucked away. IF I were to dis­close that. AND IF that were true…

*rum­mage* *rum­mage* “If I were a Pokémon were would I hide in this attic…” *rum­mage* *rum­mage*

(via Polygon)

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 8

June 1, 2011 at 9:57 pm

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

Angry Birds

I’ve been play­ing Angry Birds like crazy recent­ly and when it came time to sit down and make a wall­pa­per for this mon­th’s post I imme­di­ate­ly thought of doing some­thing birdy. Well, I did a Google search to see what was already out there and was blown away by the first pic­ture. That led me to the idea of going the pen­cil and paper sketch route. Once I got into it I could­n’t decide which paper I liked bet­ter, so I fin­ished up both and will let you decide which to choose.

Colored Pencil Sketch Angry Birds Wallpaper

Wallpaper Preview — Angry Birds Sketch on White Paper

2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
960 x 640 (iPhone 4)

Kraft Paper Colored Pencil Sketch Angry Birds Wallpaper

Wallpaper Preview — Angry Birds Sketch on Brown Kraft Paper

2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
960 x 640 (iPhone 4)

Bioshock 2 Art Book

June 29, 2010 at 10:26 am

I play some video games every now and then when I get a chance. My most recent game play­ing was Bioshock 2. It’s a great fran­chise that’s put togeth­er real­ly well. Great game­play, great story, great atmos­phere, and great art­work. I’m not usu­al­ly a lim­it­ed edi­tion pack­age kind of guy, but I shelled out the extra $20 and got this one. I flipped through the art book when I opened the pack­age, but had­n’t sat down and real­ly looked at until the yes­ter­day. There’s some great logo sketch­es in there for one of the game’s sections.

Bioshock 2 Limited Edition Art Book Cover

Bioshock 2 Sinclair Solution Sketches

Sinclair Solutions Logo Trace