Bioshock 2 Art Book

June 29, 2010 at 10:26 am

I play some video games every now and then when I get a chance. My most recent game play­ing was Bioshock 2. It’s a great fran­chise that’s put togeth­er real­ly well. Great game­play, great story, great atmos­phere, and great art­work. I’m not usu­al­ly a lim­it­ed edi­tion pack­age kind of guy, but I shelled out the extra $20 and got this one. I flipped through the art book when I opened the pack­age, but had­n’t sat down and real­ly looked at until the yes­ter­day. There’s some great logo sketch­es in there for one of the game’s sections.

Bioshock 2 Limited Edition Art Book Cover

Bioshock 2 Sinclair Solution Sketches

Sinclair Solutions Logo Trace