I Love Mike Monteiro and You Should Too

October 6, 2014 at 2:49 pm

It was hard not to quote this entire excerpt from Mike Monteiro’s new book, You’re My Favorite Client. I nar­rowed it down to two, but you should go read the whole excerpt. Then you should read it a sec­ond time like I did. It’s that good. I’m cur­rent­ly debat­ing how many copies to buy because I feel this should be required read­ing for every design­er or busi­ness leader I meet.

When a col­league runs into your office and says, “The design­er is chang­ing things!” a well-placed “That’s exact­ly what I’m pay­ing the design­er to do” sets the per­fect tone.

Amen! Halleluiah! Can I get a what-what? Change is hard for a lot of peo­ple, but often nec­es­sary to keep mak­ing progress. Shoot, just stay­ing cur­rent and on par these days requires a healthy amount of change and flex­i­bil­i­ty. Designers are adept at mak­ing changes because of our prob­lem solv­ing skills. Given the right author­i­ty and sup­port, we can make ground­break­ing con­tri­bu­tions to a business.

A design­er with back­bone and expe­ri­ence won’t have any prob­lem carv­ing out the room they need to work, but they can’t do so if you don’t grant them the author­i­ty. Otherwise, you run the risk of bring­ing some­one in to fol­low the whims of those around them. That’s not a full mem­ber of the team. That’s a glo­ri­fied Xerox machine, an asset used by the rest of the com­pa­ny when­ev­er they need some pix­els pushed around.

That’s how some­one who’s sup­posed to work on your website’s UI ends up mak­ing Lost Cat fly­ers for Betty in HR.

And the sec­ond rea­son I love Mike Monteiro is because of this 2011 Creative Mornings talk titled F*ck You. Pay Me. Again, required watch­ing for any­body in the free­lance busi­ness. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it just as a lit­tle pick me up, morale boost.

And if a third is required, the guy has a pret­ty sweet beard.