Call Me Mix Master Hyphen

September 5, 2014 at 10:45 am

Ready to start a career lay­ing down tracks and record­ing sick beats? (Who isn’t?) Check out Super-Looper to indulge those DJ wanna-be fan­tasies. Now I must get back to wear­ing only one head­phone over my ear.

Gridlover: Vertical Rhythm Typography

August 25, 2014 at 1:15 pm

On Friday I men­tioned the Golden Typography Calculator in my redesign post. Well, sure enough, I ran across anoth­er great typog­ra­phy tool over the week­end. Gridlover is a handy web app to help you estab­lish a typo­graph­ic sys­tem with mod­u­lar scale and ver­ti­cal rhythm.

Gridlover Screenshot in Firefox, web app, typography tool, modular scale, baseline rhythm, golden ratio

Adjust the val­ues for your base font size and line-height then pick a scale — like the gold­en ratio. Gridlover then spits out the CSS, SCSS, LESS, or Stylus for font sizes, line heights and mar­gins to keep your para­graphs and head­ings on a pixel per­fect base­line grid.

Ah, two of my favorite things togeth­er — the gold­en ratio in typog­ra­phy and com­put­ers doing math for me.