On Pixel Perfection

November 24, 2014 at 2:34 pm

So I’ve got two great links deal­ing with pix­els to kick off the week. First up is Pixact.ly — a game for test­ing how well you know your dimen­sions. Given a width and height, how pre­cise can you draw the box?

Pixact.ly Screenshot - Pixel Measuring Game, browser game, pixel, dimensions

Second is The Dead Pixel Society. A group of 1990s-era icon design­ers have reunit­ed to tri­umph the 32×32 pixel can­vas of their youth. Each icon is hand­craft­ed pixel by pixel with the same lim­it­ed, 256-color palette of yes­ter­year. It real­ly takes a video to stress the atten­tion to detail and insane amount of rework­ing it takes to get to a fin­ished product.

As far as my favorite, Benny from The Lego Movie is pret­ty hilar­i­ous. But that might be influ­enced by the fact that I final­ly watched the movie yesterday.


May 10, 2013 at 7:37 pm

Here’s a fun game that has already sucked up an hour or two of my time. Get dropped into a ran­dom Google Street View, look around, then take a guess where you are. You get points based on how close and you get five rounds added up for a total. It’s amaz­ing how sim­i­lar ter­rain can look on oppo­site sides of the world. (via kot­tke)

Geoguessr Screenshot - Google Street View guessing game, Chrome web browser screenshot