Job Title: Brick or Mortar

October 14, 2014 at 12:11 pm

Excellent post yes­ter­day from Brad Frost about job titles. I need­ed some of this lan­guage the other week when I was talk­ing about what I do and what my strengths are. I got my point across, but this metaphor would have made things so much eas­i­er to understand.

But while it’s pos­si­ble to build walls only using bricks, they’re not going to be as sta­ble as they should be.

A corol­lary to Brad’s idea is that you can’t have all mor­tar. Everybody in the com­pa­ny can’t be super flex­i­ble and fit in wher­ev­er. The mor­tar has to have some bricks to work with. Otherwise you just have a big, wet pile of dirt for a business.

I am def­i­nite­ly a mor­tar per­son. I fill in the gaps and coor­di­nate among all the bricks. The tricky part is bal­anc­ing the amount of coor­di­na­tion with get­ting actu­al work done. You can’t be just an inter­me­di­ary; you still have to pro­duce some­thing at the end of the day.