I Shot The Serif

November 13, 2014 at 11:09 am

Here’s a fun dis­trac­tion to kill a few min­utes from design agency tothe­p­oint. The first cou­ple of lev­els were pret­ty easy, but once I got to Director I def­i­nite­ly need­ed a mouse over the track­pad. My first play through I scored 250 and then got bet­ter to 275. Watch out for the real­ly thin ser­ifs that start to dis­ap­pear as the let­ters get small­er. Oh, and pay atten­tion to the “Q“s.

To The Point's "I Shot the Serif" Typography Game, Flash animation game, serif vs. sans

Form Invaders

October 16, 2014 at 11:41 am

The folks over at Typeform are mak­ing it easy to build beau­ti­ful, user-friendly forms and sur­veys. But what also caught my atten­tion was their sense of humor. Form Invaders lets you shoot down radio but­tons, check boxes, drop­downs, and the evil sub­mit but­ton over­lord. It’s a great two minute time waster.

13,000 Super Nintendo Sprites

September 29, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Apparently I did­n’t play the right Super Nintendo games because I don’t rec­og­nize any of the char­ac­ters in this mas­sive pixel col­lage of 16-bit sprites. I did find a pin­ball machine though.

Closeup of 13000 Super Nintendo Sprites from an Image by Reddit User lax4, 16 bit pixel artwork, 8 bit graphics

(via Reddit)


September 19, 2014 at 1:53 pm

This arti­cle popped up in my RSS feed yes­ter­day and it was too much. Something welled up inside me to fight the evil design in the world in what lit­tle way that I could. I gave myself 24 hours to code a new land­ing page from scratch. (I had to give myself a good buffer because I knew noth­ing was get­ting done last night while I watched the foot­ball game. War Damn Eagle!) Along the way, I cleaned up the infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture and rewrote some copy.

There’s way more that could be done, but I want­ed to give myself a hard dead­line. By putting myself on the clock, I did­n’t futz around. Nor am I hold­ing on to it because it’s not per­fect. It’s just an unso­licit­ed redesign of a land­ing page — noth­ing more, noth­ing less.

The cur­rent site lives at warioworld.com while you can see my redesign live on my new play­ground space.

Firefox Screenshot of Warioworld.com as it Currently Exists, 1996 web design, my eyes hurt

Warioworld.com Current Screenshot

Firefox Screenshot of Warioworld.com Redesigned Landing Page, unsolicited, responsive, web design

Warioworld.com Landing Page Redesign

Pokémon Color Palettes

September 11, 2014 at 11:45 am

Reddit user need12648430 wrote a script to break­down the col­ors used in mak­ing the col­or­ful pock­et mon­sters called Pokémon. Most of the color palettes are great inspi­ra­tion as they show color the­o­ry con­cepts like com­ple­men­tary and anal­o­gous schemes. It’s also great to see how much vari­a­tion and and com­plex­i­ty goes into some­thing as sim­ple as 8‑bit characters.

Pokemon Color Palettes by Reddit user need12648430, 8bit, sprites, color theory, pie charts

And yes, I know I’m show­ing off some of my geek­ness with this post. What would be even more geeky is if I were to dis­close that I have a col­lec­tion of Pokémon trad­ing cards that I gath­ered in my teenage years safe­ly tucked away. IF I were to dis­close that. AND IF that were true…

*rum­mage* *rum­mage* “If I were a Pokémon were would I hide in this attic…” *rum­mage* *rum­mage*

(via Polygon)

Fish Play StreetFighter

August 20, 2014 at 2:47 pm

Yes, you read that cor­rect­ly. Two fish are play­ing Super Street Fighter II Turbo on Twitch at the moment. And it is as awe­some as it sounds.

Bioshock 2 Art Book

June 29, 2010 at 10:26 am

I play some video games every now and then when I get a chance. My most recent game play­ing was Bioshock 2. It’s a great fran­chise that’s put togeth­er real­ly well. Great game­play, great story, great atmos­phere, and great art­work. I’m not usu­al­ly a lim­it­ed edi­tion pack­age kind of guy, but I shelled out the extra $20 and got this one. I flipped through the art book when I opened the pack­age, but had­n’t sat down and real­ly looked at until the yes­ter­day. There’s some great logo sketch­es in there for one of the game’s sections.

Bioshock 2 Limited Edition Art Book Cover

Bioshock 2 Sinclair Solution Sketches

Sinclair Solutions Logo Trace