IKEA ScrapCooking Cookbook, recipes to rescue food waste from going to waste

Hashtag ScrapCooking

Have you had the priv­i­lege to throw away nutri­tious food items because they take extra time to pre­pare? Are you real­iz­ing the ter­ri­ble inef­fi­cien­cy of indus­tri­al food pro­duc­tion and its effects on our plan­et? Do you want to make a tiny change to your per­son­al habits so you feel bet­ter in the fiery sit­u­a­tion you find your­self in?

3.6 Million Years

While falling down the Thwaites Glacier hole this morn­ing, there was more cli­mate change news released last week. The num­bers are star­tling, dead­en­ing, and make me stum­ble to find words. We made mil­lion year changes in just one hun­dred. We’ve reshaped the world and don’t even know — or can imag­ine — how yet.

The atmos­pher­ic bur­den of CO2 is now com­pa­ra­ble to where it was dur­ing the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period around 3.6 mil­lion years ago, when con­cen­tra­tions of car­bon diox­ide ranged from about 380 to 450 parts per mil­lion. During that time sea level was about 78 feet high­er than today, the aver­age tem­per­a­ture was 7 degrees Fahrenheit high­er than in pre-industrial times, and stud­ies indi­cate large forests occu­pied areas of the Arctic that are now tundra. 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Research
Global monthly mean carbon dioxide, December 2020 414.49ppm, two charts showing increases in CO2, chart one is from 2016-2020, chart two is from 1980-2020
The Nathaniel B. Palmer research vessel sits in the water by the Thwaites Glacier front. Scientists on this ship collected data about Thwaites Glacier in 2019. Photo by Aleksandra Mazur.

Magazine Time Travel

Read a two year old print mag­a­zine. Search for its cover story and find new research pub­lished just three days ago. Boom, time travel!

Beach grass on a sand dune, color palette circles on top, naturally inspired colors, muted sky blues, dusty orange browns and beiges


Simple, straight­for­ward, noth­ing more, and noth­ing less. Color inspi­ra­tion from nature pho­tos. Most of the palettes might be too mono­chro­mat­ic for applied use, but they are a great start­ing point for ideas. Plus, tak­ing a scroll can be pret­ty relax­ing as the imagery and pre­sen­ta­tion is calming.

Misty evergreen forest, color palette inspiration, color circles, frosty dark greens, misty blues
Greenland Sea, open water with broken icebergs, sun reflection, william bosen via unsplash

A Mile of Greenland Ice

Here’s anoth­er canary in the coal mine arti­cle for human pow­ered cli­mate change. It’s too bad it is 50 years too late.

Non-Fungible Token

Every blog and pub­li­ca­tion is talk­ing about them. Millions of dol­lars are mov­ing around. They should not be a thing and I should not have to be writ­ing this.

Great Green Wall Icon, African Sahel, a new wonder of the world

The Great Green Wall

The Great Green Wall is an African-led move­ment with an epic ambi­tion to grow an 8,000km nat­ur­al won­der of the world across the entire width of Africa. Now this is the bold, humanity-as-a-collective action I need­ed to see this morn­ing. The world needs more peo­ple spend­ing time on projects like this and less on NFTs Read More > >

Blurry gradient background, static png sample of an svg graphic


I can remem­ber see­ing this blob­mak­er and wave gen­er­a­tor mak­ing the rounds on design boards months ago. (Or was it longer than that thanks to being on pan­dem­ic time?) They’ve been super charged togeth­er — along with a dozen more options for cre­at­ing back­grounds — in a new web app. There’s some good options like a low-poly grid and quite a few wave scenes. Go roll the dice and cre­ate some­thing fun for a few minutes.

Poly grid triangle background, static png sample of an svg graphic
Blob step scene background, static png sample of an svg graphic
Layered waves background, static png sample of an svg graphic