Fifty-Two States

So I was watch­ing the inau­gu­ra­tion the other day when the news point­ed out the “tax­a­tion with­out rep­re­sen­ta­tion” license plates on the pres­i­den­tial lim­ou­sine. Somehow I also remem­bered read­ing this arti­cle from December about Puerto Rico vot­ing on state­hood.

That got me think­ing: What would a fifty-two state flag look like?

The first cou­ple of ideas start out as very tra­di­tion­al, minor tweaks to the cur­rent for­mu­la. Then I broke with the past and went more mod­ern with the later ones. I will admit the last ones look more like gala ban­ners or invi­ta­tions than a glob­al sym­bol of nation­al­ism. Most inter­est­ing is how the num­bers work. Fifty-two divid­ed by four equals thir­teen so that could fac­tor into a new design. Which one would you like to see fly­ing over the capitol?

Fifty-Two Flag Number 1, American flag concept, Union Jack, nationalism, stars and stripes

Fifty-Two Flag Number 2, American flag concept, Union Jack, nationalism, stars and stripes

Fifty-Two Flag Number 3, American flag concept, Union Jack, nationalism, stars and stripes

Fifty-Two Flag Number 4, American flag concept, Union Jack, nationalism, stars and stripes

Fifty-Two Flag Number 5, American flag concept, Union Jack, nationalism, stars and stripes

Fifty-Two Flag Number 6, American flag concept, Union Jack, nationalism, stars and stripes

Fifty-Two Flag Number 7, American flag concept, Union Jack, nationalism, stars and stripes

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