Headline Heads Up — No. 17

One Tues­day every month, I’m going to round up a cou­ple (maybe a few) awe­some dis­play type­faces to show­case and give a lit­tle break­down on each one. If you have a sug­ges­tion you want me to take a look at, drop me a line. Let’s jump straight into some head­line goodness.

Primus Script

Foundry : Katharina Putick
Designer(s) : Katharina Putick
Cost: FREE

Primus Script Alphabet - Typeface by Katharina Putick, Pixel Script Font

First up this month is a neat idea called Primus Script by Katharina Putick. It’s a pixel script font and that just makes it unique. It has a very needle­point, sewing feel because of this con­struc­tion, but that does­n’t mean it’s for your grand­ma. It’s all dig­i­tal busi­ness. I would def­i­nite­ly call it cute and fem­i­nine — think teen girl online jour­nal, dig­i­tal sta­tionery, or a cup­cake bak­ery. Get your copy of Primus Script on Dafont.com.

Primus Script - Pixel Script Type, Cute Email Signature Font, Traditional Meets Modern Type


Che’s Bone

Foundry : Filiz Sahin
Designer(s) : Filiz Sahin
Cost: FREE

Mr Che Alphabet - Letters by Filiz Sahin, Dog Bone Shaped Letters

Che’s Bone (or Mr. Che) isn’t even a font. When down­loaded, there is just an .EPS file of these cap­i­tal let­ters. That’s not a knock against it. I includ­ed Che’s Bone because the let­ters are unique and have great per­son­al­i­ty. They work in a dis­play usage as a drop cap­i­tal, name, mono­gram, or even the type for a logo. Again, I’ll use the word cute. Filiz has a few more great typo­graph­ic exper­i­ments on her Behance pro­file you should check out when you go to down­load Che’s Bone.



Foundry : Characters Font Foundry
Designer(s) : Rene Verkaart
Cost: FREE in 2012

Savant Alphabet - Typeface by René Verkaart, Playful Sans Serif

Next up is Savant — a play­ful sans-serif with touch­es of per­son­al­i­ty. A dark weight gives it pres­ence and its quirks give atti­tude. Just look at the low­er­case ‘g’ or ‘k’ and the upper­case ‘E’ or ‘R’ for exam­ples. Want even more curve and move­ment, com­bine Savant Italic for more per­son­al­i­ty. And while it is full of per­son­al­i­ty, it does­n’t sac­ri­fice sim­plic­i­ty and leg­i­bil­i­ty so it makes sense as a head­line type­face. Savant is free through the end of 2012 so hurry up and grab your copy.

Savant Example - Quirky Sans Serif with Some Personality Curves


Citizen Slab

Foundry : Joel Felix
Designer(s) : Joel Felix
Cost: FREE for personal use

Citizen Slab Alphabet - Typeface by Joel Felix, Wide Slab Serif Display Font

Last on this mon­th’s list is a vin­tage slab serif that is quite the char­ac­ter. Citizen Slab is a mod­ern update with its exag­ger­at­ed fea­tures and curves. It speaks to an 1800s aes­thet­ic, but does it in a new way — espe­cial­ly with some of the alter­nate glyphs. It would make a great look for pack­ag­ing, posters, and pos­si­bly even an iden­ti­ty. Get your copy of Citizen Slab and get to mak­ing some headlines!


Final Men­tions


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