10 Killer Zombie Resources

Whether you are cur­rent­ly a mem­ber of the liv­ing dead or just a fan of grue­some, bloody brain mat­ter, the zom­bie look def­i­nite­ly has some awe­some design ele­ments for any hor­ror project inspi­ra­tion. Below you’ll find ten great pieces for that next gory, splattered-filled project.

1. Absinthe Typeface

Victorian per­son­al­i­ty oozes through the curls and bro­ken shapes of this type­face. It lends a refined grue­some, a rest­less­ness that is uncom­fort­able because of the uneven­ness of the shapes. Absinthe is per­fect­ly unset­tling for that hor­ror atmos­phere. It also has an awe­some name.
Absinthe Typeface used in a Zombie Attack

2. Folk Typeface — Sketches Variant

Again, uneven­ness is at play in Folk Sketches to put it on the list. Its sim­ple let­ter­forms make a warn­ing mes­sage easy to read, but lend a bit of the hand scrawled nature expect­ed in a post-apocalyptic zom­bie world.
Folk Typeface used to Warn of Impending Zombie Apocalypse

3. B‑Movie Retro Typeface

The last type­face on the list is a true a poster child. The most awe­some ver­sion is Brush Extreme with its crazy edges and rough strokes. It’s a straight up mon­ster movie or Halloween design sta­ple. Also cool, a catch­words font of already setup words like Danger! and Terror!
Yum...Brains and Danger! and frightening set in B-Movie Retro Typeface

4. Blood Splatter 1

What’s more zom­bie than blood splat­ter? I can’t think of any­thing else. You’ll always need a few good blood splat­ter pat­terns to add back­ground tex­ture and help set the scene of gruesome.

Various Blood Splatter Patterns - Set 1

5. Blood Splatter 2

You need vari­ety in your blood pat­terns. Any good foren­sic inves­ti­ga­tor will tell you that blood does dif­fer­ent things depend­ing on the object used and the force at which the zom­bie’s head is decapitated.
Blood Splatter Link #2 - Shown in toxic zombie green

6. Blood Splatter 3

One last splat­ter just for good mea­sure. There are plen­ty more out there with their own sub­tleties so keep an eye out for that per­fect splotch of blood.

Shown in robust red blood - Splatter Resource Link #3

7. Brain Engraving

Give your pet zom­bie exact­ly what he or she wants with this squishy brain engrav­ing. Perfect to use as its own ele­ment, this brain also makes great use for adding that wrin­kled, brain tex­ture to other ele­ments by lay­er­ing and clip­ping. I scanned this out of an old book a while back and can’t remem­ber exact­ly where I got it, but it sure is a per­fect brain. I’d hate for it to go to waste.

Download the pack­age right here! One TIF, one Illustrator trac­ing, and one EPS file — 15mb
One Half of a Brain in an Etching/Engraved Style

8. Zombie Pixel Head

This is some­thing I made myself. The 8‑bit zom­bie niche is very small — some might say nonex­is­tent — but I would argue that zom­bie pix­els are just as dan­ger­ous as reg­u­lar zom­bies. There real­ly should be more pub­lic ser­vice announce­ments mak­ing peo­ple aware of the dan­ger zom­bie pix­els pose to their com­put­er screens.

Download the pack­age file right here! One Adobe Illustrator and one EPS file — 108kb
Pixelated Zombie Head with Brains Showing, Gnarly Teeth, and Blood Dripping Mouth

9. Three Zombie Heads

Way more grue­some than the pixel head above, these three heads per­fect­ly show­case decrepit flesh and bone-gnawing teeth. Oh the hor­ror, the horror!
Three Gruesome Zombie Heads from Spoongraphics

10. Zombie Color Swatches

Do you need a jump on the per­fect brain color or per­haps you’re hav­ing a hard time nail­ing down the right color green of undead flesh? Well, here’s a palette to start you off right. A good mix of blood reds, Frankenstein greens, and inter­nal organ pinks will put you on the right path color wise.
Swatch Exchange File for Some Typical Zombie Colors - Reds, Pinks, Greens

Last Clicks

Need more inspi­ra­tion for your next zom­bie project. Here’s two more lists for inspiration.

The Blog of Francesco Mugnai
Zombie Design — 30 Awesome Examples

Zombie Inspiration: 50 Awesome Artworks

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