2011 — Off to a Bad Start

Well, I’m a month and half into the new year of 2011 and I’ve real­ly fell behind. I think I’m going to slap a beta stick­er on this thing, go pub­lic with it, and maybe that will force me to stay seri­ous. There’s just so much styling and cus­tomiz­ing that I need to keep work­ing on to get things to the point I want them to be. Anyway, enough with the bitch­ing — let’s get to some actu­al content!

I got my girl­friend some jew­el­ry for Valentine’s Day and it came wrapped in a sur­pris­ing bag that was pret­ty nice. The paper was cheap kraft and the print­ing was cheap and bled a lot but I’m pret­ty sure that’s the point to achieve the look. It has a lot of charm though and def­i­nite­ly fits their vin­tage brand.

Ruche Packaging Bag

I’ve had this font around for a month or two. Not sure where I saw it first. The round­ed edges real­ly show out nice in the bold weight. At least that’s were I think it shines. It could do dou­ble duty as either body copy of carry a head­line because of the bit of char­ac­ter that shines through in places like the low­er­case “g” and the legs on the “K” and “R”


Foundry : 26 +
Designer(s) : John Marco Mueller
Cost: Free under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Melbourne Sans-Serif Alphabet

Melbourne sans-serif font - Example of Styles

While I was on the 26+ web­site, I checked out some of the other fonts on there and found this one.

Say it Fat

Foundry : 26 +
Designer(s) : Timo Titzmann
Cost: Free under CC BY-ND 3.0

Definitely head­line mate­r­i­al here. I’ve set it below at 225 points so those coun­ters can real­ly shine. I also real­ly love the numer­als. It only comes in low­er­case so take the into con­sid­er­a­tion. Check out the PDF spec­i­men over at 26+

Say it Fat - Sans Serif Headline Awesomeness

Wow, that took up a lot space. You should be reward­ed for all the scrolling and for mak­ing it this far through the post. How about some cute space icons? I had the idea of some­thing used in a chil­dren’s book with some car­toon styling of very sim­ple shapes and flat col­ors. This will be release ver­sion num­ber 0.5 because I def­i­nite­ly want to add to it a cou­ple more ideas — an alien, a satel­lite, a tele­scope — so not fin­ished yet. I also want to try and pack­age them up as actu­al icons but I’ve never done that process before. Anyway, here’s a taste, so give me some feed­back in the comments.

Download the pack­age with Adobe Illustrator and EPS files.

Space Icons - Release 0.5

To do list for 2011!!!

  • Launch this blast­ed website!
  • Stick to a reg­u­lar post­ing sched­ule — con­tent, con­tent, content!
  • Learn more Fontlab and try to put togeth­er my first font!

Let’s see how this goes; wish me luck!

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