233 Days

July 16, 2014 at 6:12 pm

For shame. I’m glad I’ve never called myself a blog­ger. I’m pret­ty sure seven months and twen­ty days is too long of a break between posts. Luckily, I’ve been work­ing on stuff.

A redesign of the site has been in the works. It’s been a slow process as I’ve also been retool­ing my work­flow. I’m writ­ing a post about that process and learn­ing new things which will go up with the new design. I’ll also have a post break­ing down the design as it includes a re-branding with new logo and focus. A few more final touch­es and it will be ready to go.

Preview of SpareType redesign in progress, home page, new logo, new color scheme

A redesigned SpareType

My atten­tion was also divert­ed from the web­site as I focused on open­ing a Society6 shop for some art­work. It was a great out­let for mak­ing stuff and putting it out into the world, which seems to be a con­stant nag­ging feel­ing I have lately.

SpareType on Society6 - Artwork, posters, t-shirts, phone cases

SpareType on Society6

And then there’s the fire­house of my RSS read­er, that I still need to learn to con­trol. The con­stant inflow of free­bies, tech­niques, arti­cles, show­cas­es, and more is enter­tain­ing and infor­ma­tive. But it does­n’t get work done.

So I’m putting myself on notice. Get more work done. Now, back to work.

Alabama State Cup

February 28, 2011 at 6:54 pm

So I got a week­end project from my dad and threw up a quick web page for a soc­cer tour­na­ment he is putting togeth­er. It was a nice change of pace to do a quick, and some­what sim­ple, two page site.  There’s one page for all the info and a thank you/confirmation page if the con­tact form is submitted.

So, if you’re reg­is­tered to play soc­cer in Alabama and want to field a team, take a look and get in touch with them.

Alabama State Cup Soccer Tournament - April 1st - 3rd 2011 in Birmingham, AL