Special Fourth of July Wallpapers

July 4, 2013 at 10:09 pm

This mon­th’s Wallpaper Wednesday is a spe­cial Thursday, hol­i­day edi­tion. In cel­e­bra­tion of Independence Day here in the States, I’ve got two wall­pa­pers inspired by red, white, blue, stars, and stripes. They’re not over­ly patri­ot­ic by the time I got fin­ished with them. I real­ly grunged it up with the dis­tressed tex­tures. Happy Fourth!

Stars Stripes Distressed Wallpaper Preview, Grunge Rising Sun Red White and Blue

2880 x 1800 (Retina dis­play Mac­book Pro)
2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
640 x 1136 (iPhone 5)


Rusted Stars Distressed Wallpaper Preview, Grunge Rust and Canvas Texture with Tattoo Nautical Stars

2880 x 1800 (Retina dis­play Mac­book Pro)
2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
640 x 1136 (iPhone 5)

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 22

June 5, 2013 at 6:53 am

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

It’s Not a Bug. It’s a Feature.

This mon­th’s wall­pa­per is a com­bi­na­tion of two ideas I was kick­ing around. I start­ed work­ing on some pix­e­lat­ed icons when I thought of the bug and this old meme. I was also play­ing around with a dis­tressed, grunge bokeh idea. I liked how the two worked togeth­er — curves ver­sus straight lines and the blocks of can­vas and pixels.

Bug Feature Wallpaper Preview, canvas and bokeh textured computer wallpaper with pixel type and bug icon

2880 x 1800 (Retina dis­play Mac­book Pro)
2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
640 x 1136 (iPhone 5)

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 21

March 6, 2013 at 7:05 am

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

When’s Lunch?

This month I’m get­ting back on track with a pair of relat­ed wall­pa­pers inspired by icons and a font released over on Creative Market. First is the spoons, forks, and knives of When’s Lunch? Then comes water­mel­on, cup­cakes, and ice cream for When’s Dessert? Bright spring/summer col­ors carry the pieces with the icons and tex­ture being more sub­tle addi­tions. I’ve also added a Retina dis­play Macbook Pro size for those of you need­ing 220 DPI density.

When's Lunch Wallpaper Preview - Spoon Fork Knife Icons, Distressed Grunge Texture

When’s Lunch Wallpaper Preview

2880 x 1800 (Retina dis­play Macbook Pro)
2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
640 x 1136 (iPhone 5)


When’s Dessert?

When's Dessert Wallpaper Preview - Watermelons Cupcakes Ice Cream Icons, Distressed Grunge Texture

When’s Dessert Wallpaper Preview

2880 x 1800 (Retina dis­play Macbook Pro)
2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
640 x 1136 (iPhone 5)

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 20

December 5, 2012 at 11:10 pm

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

A Pixel Christmas

I don’t remem­ber how I ran across this hilar­i­ous idea, but it inspired me for this mon­th’s wall­pa­per. So I went 8‑bit again and got into the hol­i­day spir­it. Added a touch of green­ery for tex­ture and fes­tiv­i­ty, then fin­ished it off with Mota Pixel.

Pixel Christmas Wallpaper Preview

Wallpaper Preview — Pixel Christmas

2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
640 x 1136 (iPhone 5)

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 19

October 10, 2012 at 9:15 pm

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

Autumn Leaves

Yeah, I missed the month of September. I’d like to say I made up for it by offer­ing two wall­pa­pers this month, but that did­n’t hap­pen either. The one I do have though is a nice reflec­tion on the sea­son of Fall, along with life and death in gen­er­al as is often asso­ci­at­ed with autumn. That’s ham­mered home by a quote from Ernest Hemingway — set in Citizen Slab. The idea of time also reflect­ed again in the tree rings show­ing age. Stay tuned to the blog to find out how I made the cross sec­tion of the tree. I’m putting togeth­er a tuto­r­i­al to go up in a few days.

Wallpaper Preview - Autumn Leaves and Tree Rings with an Ernest Hemingway quote "You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare..."

Autumn Leaves and Tree Rings Wallpaper Preview

2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
640 x 1136 (iPhone 5)

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 18

August 2, 2012 at 8:25 pm

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

August Sun

Here in the south­ern United States we’re hav­ing a record hot sum­mer. As we enter August and the heat con­tin­ues to rise, I drew inspi­ra­tion from that to cre­ate this mon­th’s wall­pa­per. The col­ors, tex­ture, and iconog­ra­phy all come from the sun so it holds a cen­tral point for this wallpaper.

August Sun Wallpaper Preview - Cracked Desert in Reds and Oranges with a Sun Icon

August Sun Wallpaper Preview

2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
960 x 640 (iPhone 4)


Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 17

July 5, 2012 at 7:12 pm

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

Wanna Be A Hipster?

I shaved my beard off the other day before spend­ing a week in the woods camp­ing. It’s just too hot to be deal­ing with all that. So with it went most of my hip­pie street cred. So I start­ed think­ing of other sym­bols of the hip­ster look — mous­tache, cas­sette tapes, glass­es, and skin­ny tie — and a desk­top wall­pa­per was born.

Hipster Icons Wallpaper Preview - Moustache, Cassette Tape, Glasses, Skinny Tie

Hipster Icons Wallpaper Preview

2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
960 x 640 (iPhone 4)

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 16

April 5, 2012 at 6:32 pm

On the first Wednes­day of every month, I’m going to pull togeth­er some inspi­ra­tions and resources I have around and make some sweet desk­top wall­pa­pers. It’s usu­ally just going to be one or two at a time. They will be all over the place, from type relat­ed to what­ever cool pat­tern I might be dig­ging at the moment. As always, let me know what you like or if there is some­thing you want to see.

Typography Squares

This mon­th’s wall­pa­per is inspired by a project I remem­ber doing my first year in col­lege. You made a com­po­si­tion by crop­ping let­ters in squares and see­ing how far you could push a let­ter before it just became unrec­og­niz­able shapes. We ended up mak­ing around ten squares for each let­ter and then sat there shuf­fling them around through end­less com­bi­na­tions. It was a great intro­duc­tion to leg­i­bil­i­ty and atten­tion to pos­i­tive vs. neg­a­tive space. I kept the back­ground sim­ple with just a lit­tle noise to let the squares and let­ters do the real work this month.

Typography Squares Wallpaper Preview - Light Gray Textured Background with the Word Typography Cropped in Boxes

Typography Squares Wallpaper Preview

2560 x 1440
1920 x 1200
1440 x 900
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
960 x 640 (iPhone 4)