Here is Today - interactive time scale of Earth, browser screenshot

Here is Today

Want to feel real­ly, real­ly, real­ly small? Step through this inter­ac­tive time scale of Earth and watch today get swal­lowed up pret­ty fast in the grand scheme of things. (via swissmiss) Screenshot - a tidy repository of jQuery plugins, jQuery search, plugin database, javascript

Unheap — a tidy repository of jQuery plugins

I know I’ve looked at, played with, or used at some point a lot of jQuery plu­g­ins. Keeping track of old favorites while stay­ing up to date with new releas­es and tech­niques is one of the chal­lenges I always strug­gle with. So I’m dig­ging this well designed, orga­nized data­base of jQuery plu­g­ins com­plete with search, some video demos, and an RSS feed of new entries. Well done, indeed.

Sky Rocket - Saturn V at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama

Space and Rocket Center

Went camp­ing in Huntsville last week­end and spent Saturday around the Space and Rocket Center. This would be my artis­tic, inter­est­ing point-of-view pic­ture from the trip.

1954 Cub Scout Handbook

Heather made a great find out a yard sale the other day. A 1954 Cub Scout hand­book. The cover is strik­ing and the illus­tra­tions through­out are a won­der­ful exam­ple of the period.

Psddd Screenshot - Free design resources search engine, image search, graphic design freebies

Better Search Engines for Designers

If your tired of using Google Image Search to find design inspi­ra­tion and free­bie resources, then you need to check out these two new search engines. They’re bet­ter designed and curat­ed to pro­vide design pro­fes­sion­als with bet­ter results. and

State Rough Stencil by Rian Hughes - Excerpt Preview, Futurist Geometric Sans-Serif, Retro, 80s Type

Headline Heads Up — No. 19

Being the last day of win­ter, I’m look­ing towards sum­mer a lit­tle early as two ocean and water inspired type­faces sit atop the show­case. Rounding out the list is a six style, mul­ti­lay­er col­le­giate block type sys­tem and a trip back to the future for some retro sten­cil awe­some­ness. Get surfing.

When's Dessert Wallpaper Excerpt Preview

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 21

This month I’m get­ting back on track with a pair of relat­ed wall­pa­pers inspired by icons and a font released over on Creative Market. First is the spoons, forks, and knives of When’s Lunch? Then comes water­mel­on, cup­cakes, and ice cream for When’s Dessert? Bright spring/summer col­ors carry the pieces with the icons and tex­ture being more sub­tle addi­tions. I’ve also added a Retina dis­play Macbook Pro size for those of you need­ing 220 DPI density.

2013-03-02-polaroid_transfer, white building with red trim on textured paper

Polaroid Transfer

Cleaning out a stor­age unit this week­end, I found a lot of old work. Don’t be sur­prised to see more of it show­ing up here in the next few days and weeks as I sort through it.